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FRANCE: French onion soup
French onion soup is winter comfort food as it should be: rich, warm, and blanketed under a generous portion of creamy cheese. It’s best enjoyed with a slice of crusty bread.法式洋葱汤是冬季令人感到舒适的食物:口感浓郁的热汤上面是厚厚一层奶油芝士。最好配上一片脆皮面包享用。
Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash
JAPAN: Ramen
From the sodium-heavy instant packs found in every American college dorm to the Michelin-star winning joint in Tokyo, Japan, ramen has developed into a global obsession.从美国大学宿舍里随处可见的高钠方便面,到日本东京的米其林餐厅,拉面让全世界为之痴迷。
CANADA: Poutine
We have Montreal to thank for Canada’s unofficial national dish, poutine (which also sometimes goes by its informal nickname, “Canadian salad”). The iconic dish consists of crispy, golden fries topped with cheese curds and drenched in gravy.加拿大民间国菜“普丁”源自蒙特利尔,有时也用非正式的绰号“加拿大沙拉”来称呼。这道经典美食是淋着奶酪凝乳和肉汁的脆脆的金黄薯条。
curd[kɜːrd]: n. 凝乳;凝乳状物
MEXICO: Chilaquiles
Chilaquiles — which translates to “in a sauce of chiles” from Nahuatl — is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of heaps of crisp tortilla triangles tossed in a pan with salsa, and then piled sky-high with crumbled cheese and crema. Even better, chilaquiles are often enjoyed for breakfast.汁拉贵司——纳瓦特尔语译为“辣椒酱”——是墨西哥的一道传统菜肴。把成堆的酥脆的三角形玉米饼放入平底锅中,撒上洋葱番茄辣酱,然后用碎奶酪和油脂堆得高高的。早餐时吃这道菜最棒了。
tortilla[tɔːrˈtiːə]: n. 玉米粉薄烙饼,玉米粉圆饼
GREAT BRITAIN: Fish and chips
If you’re harboring any reservations about just how delicious battered fish and crispy fries taste when dipped in a creamy tartar sauce, do yourself a favor and embark on a mission to try these top fish and chip shops in every region of the UK.如果你对蘸着奶油塔塔酱的脆炸鱼薯条的美味程度有任何保留意见,劳烦到英国各地的顶级炸鱼薯条店去尝一尝吧。
Photo by Valentin B. Kremer on Unsplash
AUSTRIA: Wiener schnitzel
Wiener schnitzel, the national dish of Austria, consists of boneless, mallet-thinned meat (usually veal) that is then breaded and deep-fried until it reaches prime crispiness.奥地利国菜维也纳炸肉排采用剔去骨头的、用木槌打薄的肉(通常是小牛肉),裹上面包屑,油炸至酥脆。
Photo by Nerfee Mirandilla on Unsplash
ITALY: Spaghetti alla carbonara
Originally from the region of Lazio (which is around Rome), this decadent spaghetti is a creamy mix of crispy bacon, velvety olive oil, fatty egg yolk, and nutty Parmesan cheese.起源于拉齐奥地区(位于罗马附近)的顶级意大利面是由酥脆的培根、可口的橄榄油、流油的蛋黄和散发着坚果香气的帕马森干酪做成的,拥有奶油般的柔滑口感。
AUSTRALIA: Sausage rolls
Think of these Aussie favorites as the larger, heartier, and more sophisticated version of pigs-in-a-blanket.请把澳大利亚人最爱的这种食物想象成更大、更丰盛、做法更复杂的热狗卷。
POLAND: Pierogi
Pierogies are boiled dumplings that are typically filled with a mixture of potatoes and cheese curds, and often enjoyed with a generous dollop of sour cream and caramelized onions.波兰饺子是以土豆和干酪凝块为馅的饺子,煮熟后通常搭配着一大团酸奶油和焦糖洋葱食用。
dollop [ˈdɑːləp]: n. 团,块
ISRAEL: Matzo ball soup
Matzo balls — which are made from matzo meal and eggs, and often consumed during Passover — are doughy, rich soup dumplings that have a delicious tendency to soak up all the flavors of the broth in which they’re submerged.面包球由未发酵的薄饼粉和鸡蛋制成,通常在逾越节期间食用。它是一种汤团,口感松软,汤汁丰富,吸收了肉汤里的各种味道。
CHINA: Congee
Congee — a soothing type of rice porridge that is so extensively cooked that the individual grains of rice coalesce into an almost homogeneous base — is popular in many East Asian countries, and is often fortified with different garnishes and ingredients to amplify the flavor.中国的米粥是一种抚慰人心的食物,在许多东亚国家都很受欢迎。米粥经过长时间熬煮,米粒都成了软烂的米糊,通常会添加不同的配菜和佐料来增添风味。
homogeneous[ˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəs]: adj. 同质的
garnish[ˈɡɑːrnɪʃ]: n. (为增加色香味而添加的)配菜,装饰品
Photo by Pixzolo Photography on Unsplash
AMERICA: Grilled cheese
The simple comfort mainstay known as the grilled cheese sandwich can come dressed up or au naturel — just as long as it comes with a side of tomato soup for dunking.烤芝士三明治是一道简单又常见的爽心美食,既可以盛装上桌,也可以直接吃,只要配上一碗西红柿汤,浸泡着吃就很美味。
GERMANY: Bratwurst
Arguably Germany’s most widely valued culinary contribution, bratwursts are thick German-style sausages that are frequently paired with stewed sauerkraut and a tall, cool beer.德国最受推崇的美食可能要算德式小香肠了,它是一种口味浓重的德国风味香肠,经常与烩酸菜和冰凉的大杯啤酒搭配在一起食用。
sauerkraut[ˈsaʊərkraʊt]: n. 一种德国泡菜