
Lesson 7: What Is the Meaning of Life

1 deep in thought 沉思;深思

【课文原句】After the history class, Li Ming sits in the classroom, deep in thought.

2 think about 考虑

【课文原句】What are you thinking about?

3 purpose / ˈpɜ: pəs / n. 目的;用途;意志

4 in life 一生中

【课文原句】You are thinking about your purpose in life.

5 for example 例如

【课文原句】For example, why are great people so successful?

6 be succeed in 在……成功

7 succeed (v.) – success (n.) – successful (adj.) – successfully (adv.)

【课文原句】And how can we succeed in life?

8 be not sure 不确定

9 should aux. 应该,(情态动词)

10 try one’s best 尽某人最大努力

11 a good and happy life 美好而幸福的生活

【课文原句】I'm not sure how to answer them, but I think we should try our best to live a good and happy life.

12 be good to 对……好;对……很慈善

【课文原句】My dad always says that we should be good to others.

13 live a happy life 过幸福生活

【课文原句】If we are living a happy life, but the people around us aren't, is that a good life?

14 seem like 看起来像……;看上去像……;好像……

【课文原句】It seems like something is missing. 好像少了什么。

15 have an idea 有一个想法

【课文原句】I have an idea.

16 write down 写下,记下

【课文原句】Let's write these questions down and then survey our parents, friends and neighbours about their thoughts.

17 【课文原句】Great idea. 高见,好主意,妙策


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