
> Olympic champ Han Cong appointed to ISU committee


新闻播报(September 14)

Sui Wenjing (L) and Han Cong pose after winning the gold of the figure skating pairs at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games February 19, 2022. [Photo/VCG]

Olympic figure skating champion Han Cong of China was appointed the Skater member of the Single & Pair Skating Technical Committee, the International Skating Union (ISU) announced on Monday.


The ISU Council met online on Sept 7 and released their decisions on Monday.


Han, who started figure skating at age 6, won the pairs gold with partner Sui Wenjing on the penultimate competition day at Beijing 2022, becoming the second Chinese skaters to win the Olympic gold, after Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo in 2010.


Han and Sui are two-time world champions, six-time Four Continents champions, and runners-up at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games.


> Chance that 9/11 suspects may be spared death penalty spurs outrage


新闻播报(September 14)

Flowers are placed on a plate inscribed with the names of 9/11 victims at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum in New York, the United States, on Sept. 11, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

US media reported that five defendants connected with the Sept 11 terrorist attacks are negotiating a plea deal in exchange for a guarantee of medical care and the lifting of the death penalty. 美国媒体报道称,与“9•11”恐怖袭击相关的五名被告 正与美方就认罪协议进行谈判,以免除死刑井换取医疗保障。

The five defendants, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11, were formally charged in 2008 with planning the attacks.

五名被告于2008年被正式指控策划“9•11”恐怖袭击,其中包括涉嫌为袭击主谋的哈立德 •谢赫•穆罕默德。

Reports said the five had been tortured and interrogated by the US Central Intelligence Agency, which human rights campaigners have criticized.


Then they were later transferred to the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, but the case has stalled due to insufficient evidence access to the CIA and the COVID-19 pandemic.


If a plea deal goes ahead, the 9/11 defendants could avoid the death penalty, and there’s a law in place that prevents their transfer to US soil and federal custody.


At the commemoration of the 21st anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001, attacks on Sunday, the news shocked and angered relatives of the victims, who questioned that with nearly 3,000 people killed on 9/11, is it right to take the death penalty off the table.

在11日的“9 •11”事件21周年纪念活动上,这一消息令遇难者家属们感到震惊和愤怒,他们质疑道“近3000人死于911事件,免除恐怖分子的死刑是否正确?!”

But some believe a plea deal could deliver some measure of judicial finality.


> 3 lifestyle changes that can help prevent early hair loss in men

防秃要趁早 这3种方法可预防早期雄激素性脱发

新闻播报(September 14)


Dr. Susan Massick, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Ohio State University, said she frequently saw patients for hair loss, and young men were especially concerned about prevention.


The most important thing to keep as much hair as possible, she said, is to catch hair loss early.


Massick told Insider that a balanced diet and topical minoxidil were two methods she’d recommend to patients to help treat hair loss and male-pattern baldness.


A balanced diet rich in protein and iron can help keep your hair healthy and strong, Massick said.


She said to avoid putting tension on your hair whenever possible, hairstyles like perms, extensions, and hair straightening can put stress on your hair that can make it more likely to fall out.


> Chinese Wa ethnic boy makes headlines with bamboo basket


新闻播报(September 14)


Famous for carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket, Wang Fa, a 14-year-old dark horse who won the U14 boys’ singles title in the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour, has become an internet sensation.


Wang, a Chinese Wa ethnic boy, started to learn tennis in 2016.


“If it weren’t for tennis, I’d still be helping out my family with farm work back at home,” Wang said. “We always carried bamboo baskets when we worked in the field. This is a symbolic farming tool of the Wa ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown.”


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