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Valentine's Day 情人节

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Valentine’s Day 情人节

Valentine’s Day celebrates love. It is a day to exchange flowers, candy, and greeting cards with your husband or wife, or someone else you desire. It is a popular day to become engaged and to get married.

Valentine’s Day 情人节

exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ v. 交换;互换;交流

an exchange of ideas/information思想/信息交流

greeting cards贺卡/问候卡

desire /dɪˈzaɪər/ v.(尤指强烈地)渴望,希望,想要

I desire only to be left in peace.


[ + to infinitive ] The president desires to meet the new prime minister.


someone else you desire你心仪的人

become/get engaged订婚

Debbie and Christa have just got engaged.


She was engaged to some guy in the army.


formal They’re engaged to be married in June.


become/get married结婚

The exchange of valentines, or written expressions of love, began in the 1500s. The tradition remains popular today. Valentine cards usually include images of hearts, flowers, or Cupid, the Roman god of love and desire. The cards also often include poems. One valentine from the year 1910 reads: When we meet: The flowers look brighter, And all on earth seems sweet, My heart is always lighter, My darling, when we meet.

expression/ɪkˈspreʃ.ən/ n.表示;表达;表露

He wrote her a poem as an expression of his love.


Freedom of expression is a basic human right.


written expressions(对爱意的)书面表达

remain popular依然流行

Cupid /ˈkjuː.pɪd/ 丘比特,罗马神话中的小爱神,相当于希腊神话中身为爱与美神阿佛洛狄忒之子的厄洛斯,他的形象大多是即将步入青年的美少年(或一个手拿弓箭的调皮的小男孩),尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括朱庇特在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。他的金箭射入人心会促进爱情走向婚姻,他的铅箭射入人心会使相爱的人产生憎恶,以分手而告终。他有一对闪闪发光的金色翅膀,带着弓箭漫游,经常无目的地瞎射。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:促成爱情走向婚姻的金头神箭和中止爱情使之分手的铅头神箭。另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。

Roman god of love and desire罗马的爱神

include /ɪnˈkluːd/ v. 包含;包括

The bill includes tax and service.


Tax and service are included in the bill.


poem /ˈpəʊ.ɪm/ n. 诗

a book of love poems爱情诗集

But Valentine’s Day is not only for romance. It can also be a day to celebrate love of family and friends.

not only …(but)(also)… 不仅……而且……

She not only plays well, but also writes music.


He not only writes his own plays, he also acts in them.

他不仅是自编剧本, 还饰演其中的角色。

Not only men but also women were chosen.


romance/rəʊˈmæns/ n.(通常短暂的)恋爱关系,罗曼史,风流韵事

They got married last year after a whirlwind (= very short and unexpected) romance.


It was just a holiday romance.


celebrate/ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ v. 庆祝,庆贺;祝贺

We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.


If this plan works, we’ll celebrate in style (= in a special way).


Valentine's Day 情人节

Read again and fill the blanks with right words:

Valentine’s Day 1 love. It is a day to exchange flowers, candy, and greeting cards with your husband or wife, or someone 2 you desire. It is a 3 day to become engaged and to get married.

The exchange of valentines, or written expressions of love, began in the 1500s. The 4 remains popular today. Valentine cards usually 5 images of hearts, flowers, or Cupid, the Roman god of 6 and desire. The cards also often include poems. One valentine from the year 1910 reads: When we meet: The flowers look brighter, And all on earth seems sweet, My heart is always lighter, My darling, when we 7 .

But Valentine’s Day is 8 for romance. It can 9 be a day to celebrate love of 10 and friends.


1. celebrates 2. else 3. popular 4. tradition 5. include

6. love 8. not only 9. also 10. family

Valentine's Day 情人节






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