






“一老”,指 old-older-oldest,或 old-elder-eldest。







三、“妹妹是不吃咖啡滴”(吃啥?吃-ing)—— 巧记后面要接动词的-ing形式做宾语的动词:

这个口诀采用的是汉语的谐音:MEMESPCKAFIDI (ME妹-ME妹–S是-P不-C吃-KA咖-FI啡-DI滴),每个字母代表一个或几个以该字母开头的动词,具体如下:

M-mind (介意):Would you mind opening the door for me,please?

E-enjoy (喜欢,享受):She often enjoys havinga cup of tea with COOKIEs in the afternoon.

M-miss (错过):Mike missed catching the school bus thismorning because he got up too late.

E-escape(逃过,逃脱):Nobody can escape beingpunished if he commits a crime today.

S-suggest (建议):The monitor suggests having a farewellparty after the graduation ceremony.

P-practise/practice(练习):Mary practises playing the piano everyday after school.

C-consider(考虑):Some students consider going to foreigncountries for their further education.

K-keep (保持):I can’t trust you any more if you keep lying to me.

A-avoid(避免):She often avoids meeting me on thestreet after we have a quarrel.

-apprecaite(欣赏):As I \’ll be away for a year,I’d appreciate hearing from you now and then.

F-finish(完成):When he finished doing his homework, itwas already midnight.

I-imagine(想象):Can you imagine living in a dark housewithout any light for ten days?

D-delay (推迟,延误)He apologized to me for his delaying invitingmeto his home.

I-include (包括)Your job includes cleaning the room and answering the phone.

四、“我掉了帽子”——巧记后面接从句时从句中需要使用should + 动词原形做谓语的动词(should可以省略):

本口诀采用的直接翻译法:“我掉了帽子”即是: I DROP CAPS。其中每个字母都代表一个或几个以该字母开头的动词,具体如下:

I-insist(坚持要求):I insisted that he should come with us.

D-demand(要求) He came to my house and demandedthat I should help him.

-desire(要求)He desired that you should come at once.

-decide(决定)The committee decidedthat no one should be admitted without a ticket.

R-request(请求)I requestedthat he should use his influence on my behalf.

-require (需要、要求)His health requiresthat he should go to bed early.

O-order (命令)The judge orderedthat the prisoner should be freed at once.

P-propose (建议)I proposedthat we should start early.

C-command (命令)The pirate chief commandedthat the prisoners should be shot.

A-ask (请求)The examination instructions ask that the students shouldnot use a pencil.

-advise (建议)He advisedthe doctor should be sent for.

P-prefer(宁愿)I\’d preferthat she should act the young lady.

S-suggest(建议)Sometimes she would suggest that I should be saving someof the money.


1、让步状语从句:Whether you like it (or not), you must do it well.

2、“一前”:指在不定式前:He doesn\’t know whether to stay or to leave.

3、“一后”:指在介词之后:I haven\’t settled the question of whether I\’ll go backhome.


We discussed whether we should go there by plane.

We can’t decide whether we should go there by plane.

注:常用的只能用whether的情况有:1、引导名词性从句(大部分宾语从句可能if互换),2、跟…or not 搭配时。











Last Sunday his brother picked up a (限定词)heavy(观点词)long (形状) old (年龄) black (颜色)Chinese(国籍) oil-paper (材料)umbrella.


上一篇 2023年 7月 24日 下午2:16
下一篇 2023年 7月 24日 下午2:25
