


英 [hæk] 美 [hæk]

n.劈或砍;乱踢;咳嗽 n.供出租的马车;雇佣文人;(美口)出租车 vt.非法侵入(他人计算机系统) vi.劈或砍;咳嗽


◉Usage Examples

(1) The publisher paid his hacks low.

(2) He was a literary hack, naturally fast in pace and brilliant in action.

(3) That party hack is just in politics for the money.

(4) Go out to the street and see if you can get a hack.

(5) He was hacking at a tree.

(6) You'd better hack off the branch of that willow.

(7) You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's garden.

(8) I want the boys to hack down that apple tree, it's unsafe.

(1) 出版商付给他雇佣的文人很低的费用。

(2) 他是个雇佣文人,不过天生下笔千言,很有些才气而已。

(3) 那位政客从政的目的只是为了钱。

(4) 你到街上去看看能否叫一辆出租车来。

(5) 他正在砍树。

(6) 你最好把那棵柳树的枝丫砍掉。

(7) 你最好把悬到邻居花园上的那根枝丫砍掉。

(8) 我要男孩子们把那棵老苹果树砍倒,那棵树不安全。

◉Usage notes

To hack is to cut or chop something with short strong blows, like if you hack your way through a thick jungle with a machete. To hack is also to illegally break into someone’s computer.

The Old English root word is haccian, which means “to cut into pieces,” but hack also means to cough frequently. A tickle in your throat can make you hack. If you call someone a hack, you mean they’re not great at what they do — especially writing. A mediocre writer is called a hack. Once upon a time hack was short for “an ordinary horse,” and now it’s an insult for writers. No one wants to be a hack!


1. [VERB 动词]劈;砍;乱劈;猛砍 If you hack something or hack at it, you cut it with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife. [V n] [be V-ed prep/adv] [V prep] [V P at n]

An armed gang barged onto the train and began hacking and shooting anyone in sight…


Some were hacked to death with machetes…


Matthew desperately hacked through the leather.


④ Hack away means the same as hack .hack away 同 hack

He started to hack away at the tree bark.


2. [VERB 动词](在丛林等中)开辟道路 If you hack your way through an area such as a jungle or hack a path through it, you move forward, cutting back the trees or plants that are in your way. [V n prep/adv]

We undertook the task of hacking our way through the jungle.


3. [VERB 动词]大幅缩减(大小、长度);大幅降低(价格) If you hack at or hack something which is too large, too long, or too expensive, you reduce its size, length, or cost by cutting out or getting rid of large parts of it. [V adv/prep] [Also V n]

He hacked away at the story, eliminating one character entirely.


4. [N-COUNT 可数名词](粗制滥造的)职业文人,雇佣文人 If you refer to a professional writer, such as a journalist, as a hack, you disapprove of them because they write for money without worrying very much about the quality of their writing. [disapproval]

…tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers.

…a hack writer of cheap romances.


5. [N-COUNT 可数名词]二流政客;政治仆从 If you refer to a politician as a hack, you disapprove of them because they are too loyal to their party and perhaps do not deserve the position they have. [oft supp N] [disapproval]

Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs.


6. [VERB 动词](尤指为获取机密信息)侵入,非法进入(他人的计算机系统) If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information. [V into n]

The saboteurs had demanded money in return for revealing how they hacked into the systems.



…the common and often illegal art of computer hacking.


7. [VERB 动词]骑马 If you hack or go hacking, you go out for a ride on horseback. [V prep/adv] [oft cont] [BRIT 英]

The children could be seen hacking across the hillside on their ponies.



Hacking is a major activity in the horse world.


8. [N-COUNT 可数名词]骑马 A hack is a ride on horseback. [BRIT 英]

9. [N-COUNT 可数名词]供出租的骑用马 A hack is a horse which people can hire from a stable to go out riding.

10. [PHRASE 短语]做不来;无法应付 If you say that someone can't hack it or couldn't hack it, you mean that they do not or did not have the qualities needed to do a task or cope with a situation. [INFORMAL 非正式]

You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it…


Smith tries to convince them that he can hack it as a police chief.


11See also:hacking;


上一篇 2023年 5月 5日 下午12:44
下一篇 2023年 5月 5日 下午12:50


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