剪刀石头布英文是什么(rock scissors paper英文儿歌歌词)

1. Let’s play rock-paper-scissors. 我们玩剪刀石头布吧!

2. Rock, paper, scissors, go! 剪刀,石头,布!

3. I will tell you the rules. Then follow the rules.我来告诉你规则,然后遵守规则。

4. Then rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper and paper beats rock.石头赢剪刀,剪刀赢布,布赢石头。

5. Rock can smash scissors, scissors can cut paper and paper can wrap rock.石头可以打碎剪刀,剪刀可以剪布,布可以包住石头。

6. We both have the same thing. Let's try again.我们出一样的了,我们再来一次。

7. We have to make it at the same time. It's cheating if you make it late. 我们必须同时出,出晚了犯规。

8. If you change after throwing one, that's cheating. 如果出了之后又换,就是犯规。

9. You always win at rock-paper-scissors and mom always loses. 玩石头剪刀布,你总是赢,妈妈总是输。

10. Do you like playing rock-paper-scissors with mom? 你喜欢和妈妈玩剪刀石头布吗?


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