






My QQ has happened many times. The QQ security center informed me that there is a suspected risk of theft. However, it has protected my QQ account. I want to unfreeze it. Appeal, once the appeal comes back, you can reset the security, and there will be no risk that QQ will freeze accounts in large quantities without any reason. What is the reason for this? At noon on June 15, many users were unable to log in to their QQ account, and the account display was frozen. Many netizens said that texting and face recognition were useless for dozens of times. Then the incident was posted on the microblog hot search, and I learned about it from the microblog hot search. At present, many people still use QQ, and many software are also associated with QQ. Therefore, the account is frozen, which brings great inconvenience to people. Some netizens suspected that it might be a hacker attack, so they suggested not face recognition and recording first. What if the information is leaked. No one answered the call to Tencent's manual customer service, and many people began to complain about roast. A large number of users' QQ is stolen and data is leaked? Some netizens reported that during the QQ freeze recently, many of their classmates' QQS were stolen. Cheaters obtained their friends' identity information by means of auxiliary verification, and then pretended to borrow money from other friends. Some people were cheated more. The feedback to Tencent was the same as before, either the customer service could not be contacted or there was no result. From the microblog search, qq theft is not an individual case. To say that QQ and space theft really happen too often, it seems that this thing is not as simple as QQ freezing. Has Tencent data been leaked? Then Tencent responded: "it has been restored and can be used normally. I apologize." But others said they still couldn't get on. So why do you do a lot of sealing? It is speculated that there has been a QQ group used to report QQ accounts in QQ recently. As the name suggests, it is a group dedicated to reporting QQ accounts. The administrators in the group will publish some accounts irregularly and let the people in the group report. They will get a reward ranging from 1 to 5 yuan. In fact, it is like the previous Taobao brush, that is to say, there is no difference in reporting. I think Tencent should really do a good job in rectifying. After all, it involves the personal privacy and information of many netizens. The network should really be cleaned up.




上一篇 2023年 2月 13日 下午2:51
下一篇 2023年 2月 13日 下午2:57


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