英语说文flesh n. (人或动物的)肉;皮肤v. 激起……的杀性

flesh英 [fleʃ] 美 [fleʃ]

n. (人或动物的)肉;(人体的)皮肤;果肉;肉体

v. <文>激起……的杀性,使投入血战;刮掉(皮上的)肉

【名】 (Flesh)(英)弗莱什(人名)

[ 第三人称单数 fleshes 现在分词 fleshing 过去式 fleshed 过去分词 fleshed ]

flesh /flɛʃ/ CET4 TEM4 ( fleshing, fleshed, fleshes )

1. N-UNCOUNT Flesh is the soft part of a person's or animal's body between the bones and the skin. 肉

例:…the pale pink flesh of trout and salmon.


2. N-UNCOUNT You can use flesh to refer to human skin and the human body, especially when you are considering it in a sexual way. 肌肤; 肉体

例:…the warmth of her flesh.


3. N-UNCOUNT The flesh of a fruit or vegetable is the soft inside part of it. 果肉; 蔬菜的可食部分

例:Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.


4. PHRASE You use flesh and blood to emphasize that someone has human feelings or weaknesses, often when contrasting them with machines. 血肉之躯 [强调]

例:I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.


5. PHRASE If you say that someone is your own flesh and blood, you are emphasizing that they are a member of your family. 亲骨肉 [强调]

例:The kid, after all, was his own flesh and blood. He deserved a second chance.


6. PHRASE If something makes your flesh creep or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel disgusted, shocked or frightened. 使厌恶; 使心惊肉跳

例:It makes my flesh creep to think of it.


7. PHRASE If you meet or see someone in the flesh, you actually meet or see them, rather than, for example, seeing them in a film or on television. 本人

例:The first thing viewers usually say when they see me in the flesh is "You're smaller than you look on TV."



flesh and blood 血肉之躯;人类;情欲

in the flesh 本人;亲自;以肉体形式

all flesh 众生;人类

after the flesh 世俗地,粗俗地

pound of flesh 合乎法律的无礼要求

in flesh 肥胖

gain flesh 发胖;长肉

flesh out 充实,具体化

flesh wound 轻伤,皮肉之伤

become one flesh 成为一体


Tigers are flesh-eating animals.


It makes my flesh creep to think of it.


I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.


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